Your high reliefs need to be completed by the end of class Thursday, Sept. 1st. And of course, class ends at 3:50 p.m. every day. Please take a few photos for your portfolios and also post them to the blog.
This first critique will take place on the blog. Please make contructive, thoughtful comments on everyone's work. You could ask questions like.
Why did you choose that subject matter? Are you trying to convey something to the viewer? raise questions? express a feeling? or an idea?
How much time did you spend working on the relief?
What changes would you make to your piece to make it stronger?
Which piece in the class do you think is the strongest?
Do you have any new ideas that have been a result of this project?
Part of your grade for the High Relief will come from your participation in this web critique. It's important to understand that, while some questions might appear pointed, comments made about your work should not be taken personally. Getting upset defeats the purpose of having a crit.