Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Traffic Jam"

This is my finished sculpture. For the most part I stuck to my original idea and plan but when I first started I turned the 1 x 2 turned the wrong way and so it ended up taking my longer than I planned. I also had originally wanted to carve the words and symbols into each sign shape. The previous assignment was part of the inspiration but it started with seeing a brightly painted and detailed stop sign piece at the OKC festival of art 2 years ago and when I didnt see the piece this year it seemed to be all I wanted to draw and sketch this summer and the stop signs expanded to stoplights with the carving and all traffic signs with this. Over all I am pleased with the way it turned out but as soon as I was finished I saw things that I would have liked to do, add to, or use in the next. I really enjoyed this project its the first time I have had the chance to build something other than a canvas stretcher and It was alot of fun!


  1. I think this is a really cool idea. You can really tell that you put a lot of hours into this. Why did you decide to put a the signs all jumbled up in the middle of the stop light?

  2. I really liked the sculptures online that had pieces put together randomly and wanted to try to do something similar with traffic signs...which was harder than I thought it would be.

  3. It looks like it would be pretty difficult. But I think the hard work you put into it really shows.

  4. put your sculpture on a pedestal outside and photograph
